Stunt Scooter Wheels
Longway Tyro Nylon Core Stunt Scooter Wheel
$16.95Slamm Nylon Core 100mm Stunt Scooter Wheel
$18.95 $15.95Scooter Refresher Package
From $40.49Proto Grippers Stunt scooter wheels 2-Pack
$155.95 $114.95Root Lotus Stunt Scooter Wheels 2-Pack
$99.95 $89.95Root Honeycore White 110mm Stunt scooter wheels 2-pack
$109.95 $104.95Root Air 110mm Black Stunt scooter wheels 2-pack
$99.95 $69.95Root Honeycore Black 110mm Stunt scooter wheels 2-pack
$109.95 $94.95Root Honeycore Black 120mm Stunt scooter wheels 2-pack
$109.95 $96.95Longway Precinct 110mm Stunt Scooter Wheel
$46.95 $44.95Striker Essence V3 Black Stunt Scooter Wheel
$53.95Proto Sliders Stunt scooter wheels 2-Pack
$139.95Logic 6 Spoke 110mm Stunt Scooter Wheel
$40.95 $37.95Tilt Durare Spoked Stunt Scooter Wheels 2-Pack
$132.95 $109.95Root Air White Stunt scooter wheels 2-pack
$99.95 $91.95North Signal G1 Stunt scooter wheels 2-Pack
$104.95 $92.95Lucky Toaster 100mm Stunt Scooter Wheel
$41.95 $33.95District Zodiac Stunt Scooter Wheel
$46.95River Rapid Signature Stunt Scooter Wheels 2-Pack
$171.95 $154.95Panda Balloon Fullcore Stunt Scooter Wheel
$41.95 $27.95Slamm Nylon Core 110mm Stunt Scooter Wheel
$19.95 $18.95Proto Plasmas Signature Stunt scooter wheels 2-Pack
$147.95 $129.95North Fullcore G2 Stunt Scooter Wheel 2-Pack
$105.95 $95.95Lucky Toaster 110mm Stunt Scooter Wheel
$46.95 $32.95Proto Full Core Sliders Stunt Scooter Wheel 2-Pack
$139.95 $119.95Tilt Stage I Stunt Scooter Wheels 2-Pack
$99.95 $81.95Striker Essence V3 Clear Stunt Scooter Wheel
$53.95Scooter Wheels and Grips
From $45.17District Dual Width Core Stunt Scooter Wheel
$38.95 $30.95Proto Plasmas Stunt scooter wheels 2-Pack
$139.95 $114.95Lucky Quatro Stunt Scooter Wheel
$49.95 $38.95Longway RampIt UK Hollowcore Stunt Scooter Wheel
$38.95 $34.95Logic 5 Spoke 100mm Stunt Scooter Wheel
$36.95Striker Lighty Full Core V3 White Stunt Scooter Wheel
$46.95Lucky Quatro 110mm Jayden Signature V3 Stunt Scooter Wheel
$54.95River Naturals Rapid Stunt scooter wheels 2-Pack
$155.95 $147.95Striker Lux Stunt Scooter Wheel
$38.95Longway Scorpion Stunt Scooter Wheel
$46.95 $42.95Striker Lighty Full Core V3 Black Stunt Scooter Wheel
$46.95Striker Zenue Series Clear Stunt Scooter Wheel
$46.95Lucky Torsion Stunt Scooter Wheel
$41.95 $27.95Drone Hollow Series Stunt Scooter Wheel
$57.95 $55.95Antics Glider Stunt Scooter Wheel
$39.95Striker Essence V3 White Stunt Scooter Wheel
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Scooter Wheels Define Your Riding Experience
Stunt scooter wheels are what make your scooter tick. They are one of the most important parts of your scooter setup and will determine how smooth and responsive your scooting experience will be. The core material for modern scooter wheels is usually nylon or aluminium.
There are numerous styles of wheels that will help you customise your setup. Scooter wheel cores can be solid, spoked, hollow or perforated in their design. Solid wheels are durable but heavy, whereas spoked wheels are lighter but can be damaged more easily. Hollow wheels are both lightweight with a solid core design.
Choosing the Right Stunt scooter wheels
When choosing scooter wheels you should consider the size, hardness and the maximum wheel diameter compatible with your fork. Stunt scooter wheel diameters are available in sizes 100 mm, 110 mm, 115 mm, 120 mm. However, it is most common to get wheels of either 100 mm or 110 mm. Smaller wheels are recommended for beginners as they are more manoeuvrable, while larger wheels are best suited for riders looking to ride quickly and aggressively.
Wheel hardness is measured on the durometer scale. Here, the higher the number, the harder the wheel. The average durometer for a scooter wheel is between 82A and 88A. In general, harder wheels will allow you to ride faster, but will not provide you with as much traction. Meanwhile, softer wheels will wear down a little faster, but give you more grip. Many pro riders choose to use softer wheels when riding on the street, and harder wheels when at the skatepark.
How Long Do Stunt scooter wheels Last?
Pro scooter wheels inevitably wear down over time, whatever your style of riding. There is no definite date of how often you should replace your wheels, and this can be anything from a couple of months to every few years. When you notice that the urethane is wearing down, and it’s impacting the feel of your riding, then it’s a good idea to start looking for a new pair.
If you are looking for more information about scooter wheels, check out our guide on Buying Scooter Wheels.